Our Wedding

21 - 6 - 2008

The Church  La Chiesa

Chiesa di San Lanfranco

h 15.00

Via San Lanfranco Beccari 4, Postal Code 27100, Pavia, Italy

Informazioni in Italiano sulla storia della Chiesa:
A first construction of a Church dedicated to the Saint Spirit was build in 1090 in the western area of Pavia. Later around the 1145 the building was developed to become a Monastry, which hosted frequently the Bishop of Pavia Lanfranco Beccaria. The reconstruction of the Church of the Monastry started after the death of the Bishop who later became Saint: in 1236 the Church was consacrated and dedicated to Saint Lanfranco,
in 1237 the tower was accomplished, in 1476 the little cloister was added to the compound.

The history of the monastry carried on through centuries of battles, suffering predations and fires.  An ark in white marble  to contain the body of the Saint Lanfranco and a chancel with in reinassance style were added around 1509. 
In 1782 parts of the little cloister were demolished and short after the Monastry was closed down. Its good were given to the Confraternity of the San Matteo Hospital which was one of the most modern medical center of those time. From 1783 San Lanfranco became a Parish

The Ceremony La Cerimonia

Il nostro non è un matrimonio da madame e pinguini, perciò vestitevi tenendo solo conto del  rispetto per il luogo religioso e del vostro piacere di sentirvi belli e a proprio agio, non vi aspettiamo con cappelli, guanti e frac!
Our wedding isn't a wedding "ladies and pinguins", so choose your clothes only considering the respect for the religious place and your pleasure of feeling beautiful and on your aise, we don't expect you to come like this:
Se desiderate vestirvi in modo particolare per la festa, potete portarvi un cambio da indossare all'Hotel Montescano prima dell'inizio della cena (Ci sarà una stanza adibita allo scopo)
If you like to dress something more special for the party, you can bring your change to wear at the Hotel Montescano before starting the dinner (There will be a room to be used as dressing room)

Poichè siamo una coppia Italiana - Polacca, e alcuni dei nostri amici sono anche di altri Paesi, vogliamo fare in modo che tutti i nostri ospiti si sentano partecipi della Cerimonia. Al momento stiamo cercando un Sacerdote Polacco che affianchi Don Emilio, il Parroco di San Lanfranco. Prima della Cerimonia, riceverete un libretto con i testi delle Letture e del Rito in Italiano, Polacco ed Inglese.
As we are an Italian & Polish couple, and some of our friends are from even other Countries, we are working out solutions to make all our guests feeling participant to the Ceremony. Currently we are looking for a polish Priest to join Don Emilio, the Parson of San Lanfranco. Before the Ceremony, You will receive a little book with all the texts of the Readings and the Rite in Italian, Polish and English.
La tradizionale conclusione  Italiana della cerimonia è il lancio del riso sugli sposi, quando escono dalla Chiesa. Troverete all'uscita dalla Chiesa due cestini pieni di coni di riso.
The Italian traditional conclusion of the ceremony is the throw of rice to the newlyweds when they get out of the Church. You will find at the exit of the Church two buckets full of rice.
La tradizionale conclusione Polacca della cerimonia è il momento degli auguri: tutti gli invitati fanno, uno ad uno, i propri auguri agli sposi.
The Polish traditional conclusion of a wedding ceremony is the moment of the wishes: each guest tells his/her wishes to the newlyweds outside the Church.
Per essere sicuri di fare il pieno di tutta la buona fortuna possibile rispetteremo entrambe le tradizioni!
To be sure to achieve the most of the good luck possible we will respect both  traditions!

The Party La Festa

Per festeggiare insieme alle persone a noi più care questo giorno speciale, abbiamo scelto la Locanda di Montescano, situata su una delle colline dell'Oltrepo' Pavese, una delle zone vinicole più antiche e famose d'Italia.
Informazioni sull'Oltrepo' Pavese http://www.oltrepopavese.pv.it/oltrepo/home.html
Se siete curiosi di vedere com'è la Locanda visitate: http://www.locandamontescano.com/
To celebrate together with our dearest ones this special day, we chose the Locanda Montescano, placed on the hills of the Oltrepo' Pavese county, one of the oldest and famous wines areas of Italy.
Informations on the Oltrepo' Pavese areas & wines:
If you are curious about the Locanda, visit:
Durante l'aperitivo, chi volesse cambiarsi potrà utilizzare una camera che verrà adibita a questo scopo.
During the happy hour before the dinner, those who wish to change can go to the dressing room.
Dopo la cena, che speriamo sarà di vostro gradimento, ci saranno musica e spazi per ballare e per rilassarsi anche all'aperto, oltre ai tradizionali momenti come il primo ballo degli sposi, il ballo della sposa con il babbo, il lancio del bouquet e della cravatta e il taglio della torta. E ricordatevi, come diceva un buon vecchio proverbio:
After the dinner, that we hope you will like a lot, there will be music and spaces for dancing and relaxing also outdoor, as well as the traditional moments such as the first dance of the newlyweds, the dance of the bride and her dad, the throw of the bouquet and the throw of the tie and the cut of the cake. And don't forget that old good proverb:


 Nel proseguimento della serata, a partire da mezzanotte, chi , degli ospiti che non dormono alla stessa Locanda, fosse stanco e volesse ritirarsi a dormire, potrà tornare al proprio albergo con un mezzo (8 passeggeri massimo per volta) che rimarrà a disposizione degli ospiti fino alle 3 di notte.
During the night, from midnight, those, among the guests that won't stay for night at the Locanda,  will feel tired and would like to go to rest in bed, will be able to return to its hotel room by means of a coach (8 passengers max per time) that will run its service until 3pm.


 Our Guests I nostri Invitati

I nostri Invitati sono alcuni di più  di quelli che potranno essere presenti con noi quel giorno, per la distanza o per altri eventi, tutti comunque eventi felici.
 In questo spazio vorrei esprimere quanto la loro amicizia sia importante per noi e che il giorno del nostro matrimonio i nostri pensieri saranno vicini.
The people that we invited for the wedding are some more of those that will join us that day, due of the distance or other events, all very happy ones.
I want to use this space to express how much their friendship is important for us and that on our wedding day we will feel our thoughts close.
Benedetta, che oltre ad essere un'amica da tanti anni, ha  lo speciale merito di aver fatto incontrare me e Pawel nel bel mezzo di corso Vittorio, a Torino. Adesso è in Mozambico a usare il Diritto per combatter il lato oscuro della Forza.
Benedetta, she's one of my best friends since years and she has the special merit of the first meeting between me and Pawel in the middle of Vittorio Avenue in Turin. Now she's in Mozambico using the Law to fight against the Dark Side of the Force
Un grande in bocca al lupo (per non dire altro :-P ) per Alice che il 20 giugno  prenderà il diploma tanto sperato, sognato e sudato, del College d'Europe, a Bruges, e per Tiziana che a Palermo starà per esser cinta dei lauri come Dottore In Medicina!
The best wishes for Alice that on the 20 of June will get the Master she hoped, dreamt and worked about for so long, at the College d'Europe in Bruges, and for Tiziana that will have her graduation in Medicine in Palermo!
Francesca, che in questi mesi sta lavorando a Belgrado, anche lei a far la Jedi del Diritto.
Francesca, that during these months is working in Belgrad, another Jedi of the Law.
In bocca al lupo anche a Radek, che il 20 giugno ha l'esame finale del suo corso da Notaio: ha il merito di essere stato la prima persona che mi ha insegnato qualche parola di polacco :-)
Good luck to Radek, that on the 20th of June has the final exams of his courses of notary: he has the merit of being the first person who taught me some words of polish :-)
I nostri migliori auguri a Ksysek (sperando che si scriva così) e Kasia, per il loro secondo figlio che è atteso su questa terra quache giorno prima del nostro matrimonio
Our biggest wishes to Ksysek (let's hope is spelled like this) and Kasia for their second baby that is expected on this Earth few days before our wedding.
for sure the Farest Missing Guest is Wojtec, the cousin of Pawel  here is what Pawel wrote me to post here for you:
And the biggest missing – Wojtek, my grande cousin, who will be the most missed person on this day…Australia, kangaroos and sunny beaches…but I will miss you so much on this day..I would give a lot to have you here on June 21.. Trzymaj sie cieplo, jak beda chrzciny, to wszystko nadrobimy!

 Gifts Regali

Poichè già abbiamo accumulato alcune cose in questi quasi tre anni insieme, ho pensato di fare una lista nozze on line, in modo da dare a voi la possibilità di scegliere tra vari tipi di regali che però sono tutti egualmente belli e utili.
Se cliccate sul sito www.pesci.it ed entrate nella sezione lista nozze potete visualizzare la nostra e prenotare on line il vostro regalo indicando anche la vostra mail, sarete contattati per la conferma e potrete scegliere la transazione on line se non avete la possibilità di  visitare il negozio a Pavia. 

As we already piled on many things during these almost three years together, I thought about making an on line gift list, so you can choose among different kind of gifts that are all equally nice and useful.
If you clik on http://www.pesci.it/Listsindex.htm you can access our list and once you've  decided what you would like to gift us, you can fill a reservation form with your mail address: you will be contacted by mail or phone in english to confirm your reservation and you will be able to choose the on line transaction if you can't manage to pop in the shop in Pavia.
Qualora desideriate portare dei fiori, vi prego di sostituire questo bel gesto con un altro bel gesto: un'offerta durante la Messa  che verrà destinata a favore del completamento di un ospedale in Bolivia, sostenuto da alcuni anni  dalla comunità della Chiesa di San Lanfranco.
If you would like to bring to us some flowers, I would like you to substitute this beautiful thought with another beautiful one: an offer, during the Ceremony's Mess,  that will be destinated to the accomplishment of an Hospital in Bolivia supported since few years by the community of the Church of San Lanfranco.


Accomodations Camere

As we are a big number of people, only the older guests of our family and the couples with babies (existing and forthcoming ones) will be accomodated in the Locanda of Montescano.
Siccome siamo un gran numero di persone, solo gli ospiti più grandi delle nostre famiglie  e le coppie con infanti (già esistenti o in arrivo) dormiranno alla Locanda di Montescano
We provide you accomodations in two hotels of Broni, the closer town to Montescano:
Vi alloggiamo in due hotels di Broni, il paese più vicino a Montescano:

Hotel Liros

Quartiere Piave 104, 27043, Broni , Italy

Hotel Il Grillo Verde

Via Emilia 416, 27043, Broni ,Italy

On the 21st June the bus, that will pick up  the guests (those that will not come by car) from Milan Central Station at 11am, will bring you to both the Hotels (the trip takes about 1h 15), so you will have time to change for the wedding and time to grab some food in Broni before taking again the same bus that will leave around 2pm, stopping by both hotels, to bring you to the Church at 2.40 pm.
Il 21 Giugno l'autobus che prenderà gli invitati (quelli che non arrivano in auto) dalla Stazione di  Milano Centrale alle 11, vi porterà ad entrambi gli alberghi (il viaggio dura circa 1h e 15), così avrete il tempo di cambiarvi per il matrimonio e di mangiare qualcosa a Broni, prima di riprendere lo stesso autobus che partirà alle 2, passando da entrambi gli alberghi, per portavi alla Chiesa alle 2.40
I will make you know by email the week before the wedding in wich of the two hotels each of you is accomodated so you will know at wich one of the two stops of the bus drop off. When you will come to the hotel the rooms will have on the doors the names of their guests, so nobody will get lost.
Vi farò sapere via mail la settimana prima del amtrimonio in quale dei due hotel ciascuno di voi sarà alloggiato, in modo che ognuno sappia a quale delle due fermate scendere. Quando arriverete all'albergo le camere avranno sulle porte i nomi dei loro ospiti, così nessuno si perderà. 
If you wish to change yourself after the Church ceremony but you sleep in Broni's Hotels, please bring your change along with you, you will be able to leave it on the bus as the same coach will bring again everybody from the Church to the Locanda.
Se desiderate cambiarvi d'abito dopo la cerimonia in Chiesa ma dormite in uno degli Hotel di Broni, per favore portate con voi il cambio, potrete lasciarlo sull'autobus perchè sarà lo stesso che caricherà di nuovo tutti per portavi dalla Chiesa alla Locanda.
During the night of the wedding, from midnight until 3 pm there will be a coach service to bring you to your hotel whenever you will feel it's time for bed.
Durante la serata del matrimonio, da mezzanotte fino alle 3 di notte, ci sarà un servizio di minibus per portavi in albergo quando sentirete che è tempo di nanne.

Transports and Maps

Trasporti e Mappe

If you need to know train connections from anywhere to everywhere:
If you need to know the bus connections timetable from Malpensa Airport (terminal 1 and 2) to Milan Central station:
If you need to know the train connection timetable from Malpensa Airport  (terminal 1) to Milan Cadorna station (from Cadorna then is 5 stops to Milan Central Station with the Green line Metro,  stop Centrale):
If you need to know the bus connections timetable from Orio al Serio - Bergamo Airport to Milan Central station:
If you need a map of the metro service of Milan:

 For the people coming by car

Per gli invitati che arrivano in auto

If you need some of these maps from Viamichelin, please send me an email on valentinavaselli@gmail.com and I will send it to you in your language. There is a little trick to come to the Church that you should know, even if you use gps or other maps such as viamichelin , because the formal adress of the Church is not the entrance of the Church (and the connected parking) but the entrance of the Monastry, so you would come on the other side and wonder where is the wedding :-)
Se avete bisogno di alcuni di questi percorsi dalla Viamichelin, per favore mandatemi una mail a valentinavaselli@gmail.com e ve la spedirò nella vostra lingua.
C'è un piccolo trucco per arrivare alla chiesa che dovreste sapere anche se usate il navigatore o altre mappe come viamichelin,  perchè l'indirizzo ufficiale della Chiesa non è quello dell'entrata della Chiesa (e il relativo parcheggio) ma quello dell'entrata del Monastero, quindi arrivereste dal lato opposti e vi domandereste dov'è il matrimonio :-)
1)  Milan to San Lanfranco Church
2)  Turin to San Lanfranco Church
3) Locanda of Montescano to San Lanfranco Church
4)  Hotel Grillo Verde to San Lanfranco Church
5)  Hotel Liros to San Lanfranco Church
7)  Milan to Hotel Liros
8) Milan to Hotel Grillo Verde
9)  Hotel Liros to Locanda of Montescano
10)  Hotel Grillo Verde to Locanda of Montescano
11)  San Lanfranco Church to the Locanda of Montescano
12) Turin to Hotel Liros
13)  Turin to Hotel Grillo Verde
14) Other leaving place to any of our locations: Church, Hotels, Locanda.

For the people coming by plane or train:

Per gli invitati che arrivano in aereo o in treno

a bus will leave from Milan Central Station at 11 am on the 21st June to bring guests first to the hotels of Broni Liros and Grillo Verde. The journey will take 1h 15 m.
un autobus partirà da Milano Stazione Centrale alle 11 del 21 Giugno per portare gli ospiti prima agli Hotel di Broni Liros e Grillo Verde, il viaggio durerà circa 1h 15.
at 1.50 pm the bus will take the guests of hotel Grillo Verde and at 2 pm the guests of hotel Liros to bring them to the Church of San Lanfranco (arrival time 2.40 pm)
All'una e 50 l'autobus prenderà gli ospiti all'hotel Grillo Verde e alle 2 gli ospiti all'hotel Liros per portarli tutti alla Chiesa di San Lanfranco (arrivo previsto alle 2.40)
At 5 pm the same bus will take back everybody from the Church to bring you all to the Locanda of Montescano (arrival time 5.45 pm) 
Alle 5 di pomeriggio lo stesso autobus caricherà tutti alla Chiesa per portarvi alla Locanda di Montescano.
(arrivo previsto 5.45)
 I will provide you more detailed information about where exactly you will find the bus at Milan Central Station in the next weeks so keep have a look on this webiste sometimes.
 Vi darò indicazioni precise di dove trovare l'autobus alla Stazione Centrale nelle prossime settimane, quindi continuate a dare un'occhiata al sito.

 The Day After  Il Giorno Dopo 

As most of you have different schedules of flights on the 22nd of June, the best way to find for each of you a way to Milan Stazione Centrale to catch your aircoach in time for the check in time, is that you mail me at valentinavaselli@gmail.com your schedule and I can figure out case by case the best solution to make you arrive to your check in in time. if many people have to come to Milan Stazione Centrale around the same time we will provide a common bus again, if not I will give you all the details to reach your destination by public transports (train, bus)




If the day before the wedding or the day after it, you will like to visit Milan, here you can find a lot of artistic and practical information in english about the city, together with very nice virtual tours:
 You will find plenty of tips for momuments, shops, food and drink in the website above but let me recommend you few things you can't miss to do in Milan:
1) To climb by stairs (5 euros ticket) to the top of the Duomo after visiting the Duomo inside: the view is astonishing but, moreover, you will be in the middle of the scupltures that you see from the square. Please consider that the access to the roof of the Duomo is between: 9-17.45 while the Duomo is open inside until 19.00 (The access into the Duomo is free)
2) To walk into the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, to reach the La Scala Teather from the Duomo Square.
3) To visit to the La Scala Teather with a group guide (if you will contact each other with the group mail I am sure you can make a bunch of you at least on friday afternoon, for example)
You can find information about how to book a guide and the timetables of access to the Museum here:
selecting on the left Information and Services
4) If you are a fashion victim you can't miss the area of corso Vttorio Emanuele up to via Montenapoleone, ending up in the Giorgio Armani building (from chocolate to shoes passing through the ultimate technological wonders, everything chosen by oncle Giorgio). After it, if you want to see shopping areas more affordable , consider :
- for franchising shopping take the Red Line and stop at Lima, so you will be in Corso Buenos Aires, the HM & friends are here
- for  italian local and national shopping with medium and low prices  walk from Duomo Square to Via Torino and carry on into Corso di Porta Ticinese, until the Arch at the end of it.
- for italian local, national and design &shopping with medium and  high prices  have a walk to Corso Como, (to get closer take the Green Line and stop at Garibaldi). For all the lovers of fashion and design the temple is Corso Como 10, you will only see a big door with this number: enter and you will find the most famous shop of Milan.
To have a taste of the Milan 's happy hour time , the italian aperitivo, which means to have a drink with free finger food in two or three places in a row, instead of making a dinner in a restaurant.  Due to the importance of this I will make a special section:

The Aperitivo in Milano

The aperitivo starts usually at 7 and stays until 9: you get your table, you order your drink and then you get to the bar ready to assault a buffet of food. In the good bars you can go to make your plate full how many times you want, apart from that  bar called Bar Magenta: they give you a little paper and you can load your buffet just once, fortunately not many places hold this barbarian system, just keep yourself away from there.
There are many different places in the city to do the aperitivo, and for the prices Milan in this respect is more expensive than the rest of Italy,  but it can be worthy anyway the experience, consider that a cocktail on average together with the free food will costs around 8 euros.
The classic area's of the aperitivo are Corso Como (see above how to reach it), Corso di Porta Ticinese close to the Columns (see above how to reach it), the Corso Sempione(you can reach with tram 1 and 169 the square Sempione and from it check plenty of bars in few meters),  Brera (you can walk her from the Duomo) the Navigli (the channels of water that get through Milan, you can reach this area with the Green Line, stop Porta Genova) but in fact you can find a nice bar with a huge buffet simply looking around you everywhere you are but
Don't go to eat or to drink in the bars around the Duomo's square they are all scams for tourists: very expensive and not worthy for the quality of what you will get!!
As examples of my favourite aperitivo places:
patchouli, www.patchoulicafe.com Corso Lodi 51, (Area of Porta Romana, Lodi TIBB station of the Yellow Line) its just sooo nice :-)
executive lounge, http://www.executivelounge.it/2.htmlVia Alessio Di Tocqueville 3  (Area of Corso Como - metro station Garibaldi of the Green Line) really special oriental ambience, italian and fusion food
Dom cafè, Corso Como 5, easy ambience, good food, great cocktails, a lot of tables also to seat outside in the Corso.
bento bar (between 6.30 and 8 they do the aperitivo with a sushi buffet, later they start the dinners) http://www.bentobar.com/Corso Garibaldi 104 (Area of Brera -Moscova metro station of the Green Line) not such a great ambience like executive but its nice to get japanise food like with a great mojito


If you feel like having a dinner with japanise food the best offer/price place is in my opinion Ume, placed in Corso di Porta Ticinese 69 (about 20 euros per person)
off course there are plenty of pizzerias but this is Milan, so pay attention to the menus outside, especially about this tiny voice at the bottom called coperto (it means service) and its per head, if they charge you this dont give any further tip!
I would reccomend you among many the three pizzeria  of La piccola Ischia,on the webiste you can find adress and maps, and the number to call if you want to book on your way


Se il giorno prima del matrimonio o il giorno dopo il matrimonio desiderate visitare Pavia anzichè Milano, qua potrete trovare qualche informazione sulla città.
If the day before the wedding or the day after it you will like to visit Pavia instead of Milan, here you can find some preliminar information on the city.
Pavia è una cittadina dall'antica storia, nel Medioevo si è sviluppata fino ad essere la più importante città dell'area (per molto tempo fu più estesa e ricca di Milano): sede della seconda università d'Italia, dopo Bologna, seconda città dopo Roma nello Stato della Chiesa, baluardo della Cristianità prima e del l'amor patrio per l'Italia poi contro le invasioni degli Stati di confine. Sono tantissimi gli scienziati, gli inventori, gli intellettuali, i santi ed i martiri, i patrioti e i personaggi di spicco nella storia d'Italia che hanno vissuto a Pavia. Da Lanfranco, sacerdote ed insegnante di Diritto che divenne Arcivescovo di Canterbury al professore di diritto commerciale  Giulietto Tremonti che sarà tra pochi giorni di nuovo eletto Ministro dell'Economia :-)
Pavia is a city with a very old history, during the Middle Age growed up until becoming the most important city in the region (for long time it was bigger and reacher than Milan): seat of the second University of Italy, after Bologna, second city after Rome of the State of the Church, bulwark of the Christianity before and of the Italian Patriotism later againt the invasions from boarder Countries. A lot of scientists, inventors, intellectuals, saints and martyrs, patriots and key figures of the history of Italy lived in Pavia. From Lanfranco, Priest and Professor fo Law that later became Arcibishop of Canterbury to the professor of corporate law that in few days will be again appointed Minister of Economy :-)
Non dimenticate di visitare sia fuori che all'interno le Cattedrali di San Michele, Santa Maria del Carmine e le Chiese di San Teodoro e San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, dove è conservata l'Arca di Sant' Agostino.
Don't miss to visit outside and inside the Cathedrals of San Michele (see web link below), Santa Maria del Carmine  and the Churches of San Teodoro and San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro where it's kept the Ark of Saint Agostino (see web link below).
Fuori Pavia, vi è la bellissima Certosa, raggiungibile con una decina di minuti di treno (consultate gli orari immettendo Certosa di Pavia come stazione di arrivo)
Outside Pavia there is the beautiful Certosa, that you can reach by a 10 minutes train (check the timetables putting as station of arrival Certosa di Pavia)
For drinks, aperitivo or just a great cappucino with a nice croissant in the morning:
bar minerva, piazza della minerva, a huge free service buffet + tray of freshly cut hams at the aperitivo time (5-6 euros cocktail or wine glass) a 50's style cafè
loft 10, piazza cavagneria, quality wines and a nice tray of freshly made finger food (about 5 -6 euros cocktail or wine glass) a modern bar with bookstore
caffè demtrio 1758 /annabella, neoclassic ambience restyle in the oldest bar of the town, corso di strada nuova 86 (just 2 steps from the Annabella shop of Piazza della Vittoria) (a bit more expensive, around 6,5 -7 euros with a tray of freshly made fingerfood)

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